The Recluse v0.6 - 3rd chapter has been added!


I've updated the game with the 3rd chapter! I've also changed the sounds the player's footsteps make. Also I've used the narration system to do a makeshift "inventory system". By interacting with your docked ship through the locked door right behind you at the start of the game, you can remind yourself of the key items you've found.

Also also: I've changed a bit how doors get unlocked. It's a bit more natural now. Also also also: corrected some typos here and there.

(When I get better at Unity, maybe I'll find a way to do a real inventory system! Also on my to do list: inspecting objects you interact with!)

I think I'll use the next update to reduce the game's file size. Lots of unused assets I should take out of the project files...

Hope you'll enjoy this 3rd chapter! I think two more are coming before the story ends. I've learned so much about Unity already!! Please let me know on Twitter that you've played through it!

Thank you for reading!

 - Isshak


The Recluse Chapters 1&2& 221 MB
Jan 27, 2020

Get The Recluse

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